I want to share a fantastic tutorial with you today. Bobbie from http://www.iamonly1woman.blogspot.com/, has a wonderful idea for using all those scraps that we get hanging around.
here is her final flower, with her words and instructions to follow.
here is her final flower, with her words and instructions to follow.
Get a pile of scraps/selvage edges. The longer pieces that I used were ones from squaring up my fabric before I would cut it.
You will also need a needle and thread and a button.
Thread your needle and make sure to double tie the knot so that it does not slip through your fabric. Start stacking pieces of fabric onto the needle. You can shape them as you go or shape before you tie it off. Some of the larger pieces I twisted around and around on the needle to create flower petals.
Side view of stacking the fabric.
I had to use the pliers to pull the needle all the way through.
Then when you have gotten the desired look. Sew through the entire thickness of your fabric flower several times to get it so that it won't fall apart. Then sew on your button (or you can hot glue it on)
And now you have a gorgeous fabric flower! Use it as a hairbow, a brooch, decorations, whatever you can think of. It is a great way to use what you have to create something beautiful.
Stop by her blog and check out her Etsy shop! - www.iamonly1woman.blogspot.com
Thanks for the spotlight! I love your blog it is cute!