Saturday, July 27, 2013

Breast Cancer Port Pillows, Tutorial

It is so hard to see anyone go through any type of pain.  It is even harder to see someone you love suffer trough pain.  My cousin,who I have always been close to, recently found out that she had breast cancer.  They planned a day for surgery, but found out the cancer was growing way to fast to have the surgery.  So she had to start chemo.  She is pretty excited to be halfway through the harshest part of the Chemo.  A few days ago, she sent me a pin on Pinterest where she found the most amazing blog. has come up with an amazing idea for people who are battling breast cancer.  I have to give her all the credit for this, I wouldn't have even thought about it!  I would love if you could stop by her blog and read her story about her port pillows and how she has helped so many with these small pillows.
The idea of the pillows is to be able to strap the pillow to the seat belt with velcro and then lay over top of an incision or the pain.  My cousin has an incision right where the seat belt lays over her.  So she has been driving with the seat belt under her arm.  Her husband hasn't been to pleased with her not being safe, so she found this awesome blog.
Well, I thought I would give you some pictures and show you how I learned to make these from

 I started with a 5 1/2" square and 4" of velcro.

 Made sure the velcro could be sewn into both sides and it overlapped in the center of the square.  Pin down if you need to.

 Sew around the square at 1/4" leaving a small opening about 1 1/2".  The velcro is sandwiched in between both fabrics.

 Cut the corners off making sure not to cut through the stitch line.

 Turn right side out through the opening.

Stuff the pillow with fiberfill stuffing, and sew the opening closed.

This is how mine turned out!  I loved it!  A quick project that I finished in no time, and used scraps of fabric.  But it will give my cousin so much comfort.  This is the perfect gift idea for that someone you know going through this battle in their life.


  1. Thank you for the great pattern! I've been battling Stage iV Colon cancer for a year and just when I thought I was finished with chemo, the cancer has spread to my lungs. Soooo, chemo restarts on Wednesday. I'm a big crafter and I was just roaming around the intertube looking for new stuff to sew and I fell on your blog! Thanks again!

  2. These pillows are so beautiful! Patterns are very lovely.
    Stopping by from the "Meet and Greet" blog hop. Thank you for co-hosting! Now following you on GFC and Facebook.
    Have a great week :)
    Bismah @
    Simple Mama

  3. I'm so glad I came across your blog post for Port Pillows. I shared it on my Facebook page and made 10 of them last night. They look like a simple pleasure for a sore body.

  4. What a great idea. I used to carry a hand towel to place under tbe seat belt. This little pillow will give extra cushioning. What fantastic way to use scraps.

  5. Thanks for explaining, because her blog is no longer active.

  6. love this. going to make some and take to the hosp for them to give out to those that are having that surgery. Prayers for you Nancy, and for anyone battling Cancer..
